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Questions? We got Answers!

About 75% of our teas are organic certified. Some teas are organic but not certified due to some sourcing ingredients are from small farms who cannot afford to pay for the expensive certifications. Also, some ingredients in our blends may not be organic compliant or the tea may only be offered seasonally. Please note that all our teas and superfoods are high quality premium products.
Store your teas and botanicals in a tightly closed package or canister for longevity. Keep your botanicals away from light, heat, to help ensure the longest shelf sustainability.
Tea has a shelf life of about two years, but does it really expire? “No it does not expire” Storing your tea properly in a tightly seal package or canister and by keeping your tea away from light, heat, and in a cool dry space will help ensure the longest shelf sustainability.
Loose leaf tea can be steep 3-5 times if done properly. In most cases the flavor will be unique with each steep. Re-steeping is not necessarily recommended for tisanes (herbals). You should also only re-steep within the first couple of hours of infusion. See our About Tea tab for more details.
In general, a good rule of thumb is to use one teaspoon for every six to eight ounces of water. Of course, the outcome will be determined by how strong the tea leaves are and by how long you steep the leaves. You will probably want to experiment to find the right flavor for you.
Generally, green and oolong teas can be steeped for about 2-3 minutes, white tea for 4 minutes and black and pu-erh teas for 5 minutes. Avoid steeping tea longer than recommended to avoid the bitter or burnt taste. If you want a stronger cup, just add more tea leaves and keep the timing the same.
Match is a high-grade green tea ground into powdered form. The green tea powder is whisked into hot water instead of steeped. Matcha leaves origin are kept in shade. The shade increases the amount of chlorophyll content in the leaves which makes them bright green and full of nutrients. Match is more potent and has more antioxidants than steeped green tea since it contains the whole tea leaf. You can use Matcha in teas, lattes, smoothies, and even baked goods.
One of the most common ways people take superfood powder is by adding them to smoothies. Some stir the powder into water, juice, milk, or milk substitutes. If you rather not drink the powdered nutrient, you may use them in a food dish like scrambled eggs/omelet, sprinkled over salad or your favorite dish. Get creative and share your creation with us!
We are consistently looking for Great People to join our Family. If you’re looking for employment, joining our sales division or wholesales you may contact us at [email protected] or go to the Join Us tab on our website.